Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Alternatives to the contradictions in the Capitalist Designed System

Comment on recent Facebook Post with emotional video attached.

The thing I think that business folks and baby boomers do not get is that we do not need and many are waking up to not even wanting a society that measures it's health by Gross Domestic Product while the health of the Earth deteriorates. GDP is a corporate product sold to us by a relatively small group of students of the 
Neo-Liberal Capitalist THEORY.  There are alternatives to the contradictions in the Capitalist Designed System. Here is a couple short videos and then some long ones that have inspired me to be more outspoken of the health of our planet and the culture handed to me by my masters, elders, and intellectual peers. 

Wealth Inequality please understand the difference between corporations and small businesses. Most Americans work for a corporation not a small business 

This video talk addresses the cultural issues that people my age are questioning. We are tired of being told to buy things and sell things to people that destroy the relationships within our culture. And this is a good video that addresses the exploitation of the working class.

This is a great video of the latest research from Cornell University, though a year old. It details the amount of energy we are consuming, how much is in the ground, what types, and the problem with Social Plans that count on revenue from Economic Growth Strategies.

This video while difficult to listen to but it is spot on in being able to explain the United Nations International Panel On Climate Change. And this video is the Latest IPCC report summarizing the collective scientific body of evidence related to Climate Change.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

For those that doubt the potential of the future...

So for those that doubt our ability to make an impact here are some videos that will highlight recent technological developments that i believe will allow for the green revolution to take place. But as with any technical revolution it still must be accompanied with a social revolution so i am urging you all to stay informed, be consious consumers, and find someway to participate no matter how small you feel your efforts are.

For those of you interested in wind power...

Now there is still hope for those who like to drive..

The scoop on solar is not as far as you think...

So here we go folks, we got plenty of energy on this planet in the form of renewable sustainable energy. But we still need to focus on the social aspect. There are habbits that need changed, bigger pictures to think about, and more importantly billions of people on this planet that don't have adaquate nutrition or survival needs. Here is an excerpt from The World Health Organization

"Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development. Interaction
of infection and malnutrition is well-documented. Better nutrition means stronger
immune systems, less illness and better health. Healthy children learn better.
Healthy people are stronger, are more productive and more able to create
opportunities to gradually break the cycles of both poverty and hunger in a
sustainable way. Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending poverty and a
milestone to achieving better quality of life."

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Green Purpose

Greetings One and All,

I would like to start off by telling everyone the purpose of this blog. The purpose of this blog is to document my green adventures. What that means is that I will be posting what I learn as I strive to make my workplace and personal life greener. My desire is to get around to posting twice a week, sharing with others my current environmental footprint, my desired footprint, and everything I am doing to improve my footprint on this planet.

I have often felt like there just isn't much i can do that most of what happens on this planet I have no control over and that frankly i just don't have the money to make a difference. I have also had questions about where to get good information, because lets face it there is alot of information out there, some exagerated, some just uncertain, and some just hard to find and sort through.

So instead of being cought in an apathy trap and doing nothing while the world goes by I decided that "I can do something". So that's where I am going to start. I firmly believe that to change the world you must first change yourself. "Think global- act local" as they say. So please, i encourage you to join me in my adventures and hope that this blog provides some type of avenue for you yourself to "do something". I hope that I can provide reliable information from those that do the research and I hope that you the reader will not only read, but also share your thoughts, views, and opinions so that together we can make our communities healthier and our planet Greener.