The clean up of Crawfordsville, Indiana’s Sugar Creek Nature Park was a splendid way to start my morning. Though it was slightly overcast and sprinkling it was a good turn out and a lot of trash was picked up.
This being my first clean up I was really amazed at what I found. Not only was it a wake up call to how we as a community treat our environment, but I was just amazed at how much a little trash here and a little trash (Indiana waste trends) there really piles up (National waste trends). In some areas it was like we were removing topsoil when we were removing trash. Another eye opener occurred when I bent over and saw a Snickers wrapper laying and deteriorating in the soil. It was like when walking down the street we are just so overwhelmed with all of the commercial advertising and bombardment of corporate messages that when I saw the wrapper laying in the grass with plants and soil covering it up partially that it just seemed natural for a Snickers logo to be embedded in the ground we walk on. It was quite sad and it was not the only logo that stood out.
With that said I would just like to share a few images with you of the clean up that was organized by the Friends of Sugar Creek, and I would urge you to get involved with your local organizations that need your help to clean up our environment. The most memorable moment that I had besides the barbeque that was donated for lunch by Hog Wild here in Crawfordsville, was seeing what happens with Styrofoam and other forms of plastics, seeing how it degrades over time. (Union of Concerned Scientists: The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices) Because I realized that it does not really disappear but it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces that get air borne and buried and eventually ends up in the food chain, the air we breathe, and the animals, land, and oceans from which we get all of our food.
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