Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

Here are a couple really handy PDFs. One for the IT savy and another for any one intereseted in The State of Green Business. If there are any other reports that your aware of and wantto see posted, regardless of which side of the green issue it is on, as long as sources are mention I will post and be glad to review.

"It’s hard to imagine a more active year in green business than 2007. Except,
perhaps, for 2006. And likely 2008, 2009, and beyond, for that matter.
Point is, every year lately seems to be a banner year when it comes to the
greening of mainstream business — another 12 months of new and substantive
corporate commitments and initiatives, technological breakthroughs, reports
and tools, partnerships and consortia, and various other achievements and
How was 2007 different? To answer that, we revisited the more than 1,000
news and feature stories that appeared on,,, and, in pursuit of themes,
trends, and movements. We found many. Following, in no particular order, are
the top 10."
The State of Green Business 2008 © 2008 Greener World Media, Inc. (

"Learn to build a Green IT Action Plan by setting realistic goals and choosing projects that IT can perform autonomously. The resulting environmental benefits and cost savings help prove that more extensive projects are both feasible and necessary. Use this knowledge to promote cross-enterprise collaboration on leading green initiatives."
The Green IT Action Plan from © 1998-2008 Info-Tech Research Group

I hope these PDFs have been found ot be useful!!

Also feel free to join the Google Group of the Green Karnyval. It's a great place to share information and exchange ideas!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

This week at the Green Karnyval

Last week was ofcourse the fourth of July, and boy what a weekend. I just have to give kudos to my 6 year old son who (not the environmentalist that I am) upon the last day of camping and riding his bike came across a camp site (Sugar Creek Campground) and noticed that they left all their pepsi cans just laying around the campsite. SO he came back to the site and asked for a bag, Walmart bags are apparently good for something, so that he could pick up those cans and throw them away. I was quite pround of him!! Now i don't know if it was the thought of the joy of crushing all those cans or if there were some higher altruistic motivation behind his actions, but regardless the example that i have set of picking up other peoples trash or making sure he just doesn't throw his trash around has put a picture in his mind about how to treat trash and how to treat the environment. And this carried over to a change in his behavior. If a 6 year old can pick up on this i have faith that others can too and that the upcoming generations will be more environmentally aware than ourselves if we continue to change our behaviors.

That being said i have a few links for you Karnies:
First off a great Indiana site A Greener Indiana and you may notice I already have a link to thier site on the side bar, however i would really urge you that if your in the Indiana area to really check out thier calendar.

For all you news junkies and organic freaks ( Isay that with affection ) out there here is a good site that has lots of information regarding organic food stuffs and news tailored to your local area if you so choose to search that way and here is the Indiana link

Well that's all for now, hopefully i will have a more personal update on some local canoeing that i have been enjoying later this week or earlier next week!!

Take care, think of others, and be good to the earth!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Think Global, Act Local

Today's skinny is on how to think global and act local. To be an American is to be a Consumer. Sad to say, but this is pretty much what defines us. Our measurement at large is not how many people's lives we have made better today, but it is our GDP. So that being said we have to realize that every concumer purchase is a statement and an action. What we buy makes an impact on economies and environments world wide. So when we buy something we have a choice, we can choose to buy merely out of convenience or we can choose to buy products from vendors who adhere to standards. I don't really want to get into to much detail on how hard corporate america makes it to find out where are products really come from and under what conditions they are made (that's for a later post), but I did find an interesting article that can help us become a more aware consumer. Article
"When was the last time you checked the tag of your t-shirt to look for more than just a size or price? Do you know what your clothes are made of or who made them? The answers to these questions may surprise you, as inputs of clothing production have significant effects on the physical and social environment."
Now for another easy act of goodness that makes a global impact. I must make sure that everyone that uses Hotmail and MSN IM is aware of Microsoft's "i'm Making a Difference" options in thier mail and IM interface. Proceed to the below link to find out how in 5 minutes your emails and IMs can make small donations to worth while organizations."

MSN i'm MAKING A Difference
"Every time you use Windows Live™ Messenger or Windows Live Hotmail®, our free webmail service, Microsoft shares a portion of its advertising revenue with an organization of your choice from a list of some of the world's most effective social cause organizations."

Now for the Act Local part. I stopped by a local organizations Board Meeting with out any intention to make a large commitment, but just to see what was going on every first tuesday of the month. Low and behold I discovered that I have many skill sets that they could use. Sugar Creek is a small tributary of great recreational importance for the local and statewide community. Also to my delight I discovered that they cooperate with other county non-profits to make a significant impact on the preservation of local habitats and species that are in danger and need to be preserved.

FSC Website
"The Friends of Sugar Creek are celebrating thier 20th year!"
"The Story of Sugar Creek began over 18,000 years ago. For centuries Native Americans depended on the clear waters of the "ahsenaamisi siipiiwi" for survival. Our forefathers relied on it for food, transportation, commerce and recreation. Many species of fish, birds and wildlife still populate the creek and its adjacent lands. Now the river faces growing ecological threats from teh industrial and agricultural institutions it helped to create."

So I urge you to find a recreation you enjoy, search for an organization in your community and stop in and see what they do. If nothing else I am sure that have ideas that could be useful or just be able to lend a helping hand once in a while.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

For those that doubt the potential of the future...

So for those that doubt our ability to make an impact here are some videos that will highlight recent technological developments that i believe will allow for the green revolution to take place. But as with any technical revolution it still must be accompanied with a social revolution so i am urging you all to stay informed, be consious consumers, and find someway to participate no matter how small you feel your efforts are.

For those of you interested in wind power...

Now there is still hope for those who like to drive..

The scoop on solar is not as far as you think...

So here we go folks, we got plenty of energy on this planet in the form of renewable sustainable energy. But we still need to focus on the social aspect. There are habbits that need changed, bigger pictures to think about, and more importantly billions of people on this planet that don't have adaquate nutrition or survival needs. Here is an excerpt from The World Health Organization

"Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development. Interaction
of infection and malnutrition is well-documented. Better nutrition means stronger
immune systems, less illness and better health. Healthy children learn better.
Healthy people are stronger, are more productive and more able to create
opportunities to gradually break the cycles of both poverty and hunger in a
sustainable way. Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending poverty and a
milestone to achieving better quality of life."